Thursday, March 28, 2013

12 Uses for the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

Since I started this blog I have done a few recipes and DIY blog posts but never a cleaning one. I figured since Spring is finally here, it would be good to do a few cleaning posts to help you with some of your Spring cleaning tasks. 

So today, I will talk about Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. I have used these for the last year or so, ever since my mom told me to give them a try. I never thought I would love these as much as I do, especially since I always thought good cleaning products and a little elbow grease would take care of whatever surface I needed cleaned. That is, until I met my bathtub.. 

This is exactly what my tub looked like before and after. But this is a picture from a blogger who used another great DIY tub cleaner to clean her tub! Check her out at The Craft Patch

My bathtub was a pristine white when I first moved in and after 3 years of renting the same unit, the tub hasn't looked quite the same. I have tried the foaming scrub bathtub cleaners, I have tried products with oxyclean, I even tried Chlorox bathtub and tile products. The Chlorox product worked well, but the fumes were too much for my asthma and lungs. I needed something else to get the grimmy brown spots on my tub to come off without the toxic fumes. So one day I decided to give the magic eraser a try and I am so glad I did! Everything came off fairly easily, all i had to do was get the white pad wet and apply some elbow grease to the tub and scrub. All the dirt that's accumulated over the years and not come off with other cleaning products (I swear I clean my tub mom!) came off instantly. And best of all, no toxic fumes. I was so impressed by the results that I decided to put the magic eraser to the test and came up with a list of surfaces you can use this product on for great results! 

You ready for some Spring cleaning? Here's a list of uses for the Magic Eraser. Make sure to test the surface before fully using to ensure that no discoloration or damage to the surface occurs. 

12 Uses for a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
  1. Remove crayon or pen marks from walls with a damp Magic Eraser (ME).
  2. Scrub sneakers or running shoes with a damp ME to make them look like new.
  3. Remove tarnish from silver.
  4. Remove grime and soap stains from bathtub and tile.
  5. Clean splatter from microwave (my boyfriend loves this tip).
  6. Remove rust spots and stains (I used it on my shower caddy and it now looks like new).
  7. Remove green algae on cement from bird baths, flower pots, etc.
  8. Remove bird poop (I used it for this on my balcony and it was great! Make sure you wear gloves though, you don't want to "catch" something from the bird poop).
  9. Clean car tires (will be trying this in the coming weeks when I wash my car).
  10. Remove grass stains.
  11. Clean the inside and outside of a refrigerator ( I cleaned mine, it was awesome. After a while, fridges start to change colors from all the fruits, veggies, and spilled sauces that don't always get properly cleaned up).
  12. Remove the sticky left over from a price sticker on any surface.

Once you are done using your ME, you can either re-use or discard depending on how much you used it for your Spring cleaning project. You can buy various sizes and multipacks of this product at your local grocery store or at places like Target and Wal-Mart. Prices start from $5.99+ depending on the size and number of pads in a box. I bought a multi-pack with various sizes for different types of projects around the apartment for less than $7.00. I will be buying my boyfriend his own pack. It is hard to get him to clean his place as thoroughly as I clean mine (although I am quite OCD about cleaning). This is a great way for someone who doesn't pay too much attention to detail to get just as good of a job done without too much trouble. 

Do you have any other great tips for a Magic Eraser? Leave a comment and share what other uses you've had for this great product. Or if it didn't work for you, tell us! I had read these products were great for toilet bowl cleaning, and I tried it, but it didn't work so well for me. So something that works for you might not work for me, but it is almost always worth a try!

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