A while back I made this delicious rice pudding recipe from one of my favorite cookbooks, La Tartine Gourmande and now that I have been tweaking my blog a bit, I realize I never posted the recipe! Well, here is the delicious and easy to make strawberry rice pudding recipe. It's a dessert that is the perfect combination of sweet and tart. I'm not usually a fan of rice pudding, but this is one I will be making (and eating) again.
My boyfriend also seemed to enjoy it, although he sampled it a couple of days after I made it. This is really something you should eat the same day, especially after it is made, as it is still nice and warm. But if you must save it, a couple of days didn't alter the taste too much.

- 6 tablespoons risotto rice, Carnaroli or Arborio
- 2 full cups whole milk, (or half soy milk, half unsweetened coconut milk)
- 10 green cardamom pods (I used cardamom powder and used less than the amount of 10 pods)
- 10.5 oz strawberries, hulled
- 1 tablespoon lime juice (optional)
- 1/2 cup blond cane sugar + 2 tablespoons
- 1/8 cup water
- Grated coconut (optional)
- In a small pot, dissolve 1/2 cup sugar with the water and bring to a gentle boil.
- Wash and dice half of the strawberries. Add them to the syrup with four cardamom pods and the lime juice. Simmer on low heat for about fifteen minutes. Let cool and remove the cardamom pods.
- In the meantime, rinse the rice under cold water.
- Bring the milk to a first boil with 6 cardamom pods and then slowly pour the rice in. Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes, or until the rice is cooked but stays al dente. Remove the cardamom pods and mix in the rest of the sugar. Let slightly cool in a bowl.
- When the cooked strawberries are cooked, mix them with the rice (or serve the rice and top with the cooked strawberries.)
- Add the remainder fresh strawberries, sliced. Serve with grated coconut if you like.