I'll start off with a drink, because it is friday ::cue annoying Rebecca Black song:: and who doesn't enjoy a good happy hour on a friday!? I got the main recipe from Mama's Gotta Bake and tweaked it a little bit ;) I am using her picture of the drink because I and my partner in crime for today were very impatient and drank it all before we realized we needed to take some pics.
- 4-5 cups of seedless watermelon (1 medium-sized watermelon), cut into chunks
- 1/2 peeled cucumber, cut into chunks
- 5 -10 mint leaves roughly chopped
- 1 tablespoon of fresh lime juice
- a pinch of salt
- A cup of sparkling lemonade or champagne (I used sparkling lemonade from Trader Joe's)
- Depending on the size of your blender, you may have to do this in two batches, I did. Divide your ingredients in half, and process it twice if need be. Place all the ingredients in a blender, and process until it smooth. Pour the mixture through a strainer into a bowl, pressing the solids with a wooden spoon to get all the liquid out. (I didn't pour the mixture through a strainer because I like the texture of pulp in my drinks)
- Place the watermelon mixture back in your blender and add ice cubes. Be careful of how much ice you put in, as it will water down the sparkling drink you choose. I used just enough ice to make it slushy but still pack some punch. Serve immediately.

If you use sparkling lemonade, don't add any more sugar. The lemonade will have enough sugar in it to sweeten the cooler just right =)
Thank you Mama's Gotta Bake for a great recipe (and pictures)!!
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