Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mutant Aphids

Hi everyone!

It has been a while since the last post! I have been traveling the last week or so for weddings and what not and it has taken me a while to get it together and write a post. Weddings are really draining.. seriously, every time I come back from a wedding weekend I am exhausted. I need a vacation from wedding weekends.

This last wedding was an Indian wedding, it was amazing, but 3 days of celebrations and ceremonies wiped me out. I will write a post about that amazing weekend and post pictures as soon as I decompress, but for today's post I have something a little bit more negative and sad to write about...


I have the aphids from hell. They just. won't. die.

I have tried anything and everything to get rid of these suckers. From organic pesticides formulated specifically for these a-holes, to homemade hot pepper sprays, to ladybugs. Yes. I bought a $10 container of ladybugs. And nothing. Those mofos are still coming around and spreading, now invading my tomato plants.

My pepper plants are close to being destroyed, the leaves are all crumbled up and the stems have been compromised as well. I may need to start over, I don't know if these pepper plants will be able to do a comeback. They took a hard hit. Barely growing in the last month. Granted the weather has been a bit cool for pepper growing in the area, but this aphid infestation really took a toll. I've had aphids in the past, but i have managed to keep them under control so they don't cause a lot of damage. This year, for some reason, they just won't quit. I don't know what else to do to keep them away. I may resort to non-organic pesticide, but i really wanted to stay away from the toxic chemicals.

Anyone out there a pepper plant whisperer?

I need serious advice on how to save these pepper plants, or at least keep this from happening to my tomato plants. What are some remedies out there that help get rid of these pests? Also, does anyone know if it is too late in the season to start over with the peppers?

These pictures make me so sad and angry. My babies were doing so well, and now look at them. =(

I am also angry at the ladybugs. The entire tub of them fled, not even staying for a few days. I phased their release over a few days thinking it would ensure they stuck around, but nope, they left me and my desperation.. with a garden full of aphids. Good luck finding a better feeding ground!!

This weekend I'll be going back to the Merrifield garden center here in VA to see if I can get some advice from them on how to save my pepper plants.. or in the worst case scenario, replace them =(

Anyone having trouble with aphids this season?

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