Monday, July 29, 2013

Mid-Summer Garden Update

Hey guys!

So it's been a while since I've written a post.. so sorry about that! My 7+yr old Macbook is finally on it's last leg and it has made blogging, emailing, facebook stalking, and pinterest drooling impossible. But I have finally managed to get it to somewhat work for a quick post! (I am pretty sure this quick post will take me an hr to load/type at the rate this is going).

I have to say, 7+yrs with a laptop is pretty good, right? Someday I will be able to afford a new Macbook, but for now I hope this thing gets me thru at least a few more months. I started out as a PC user, I've had Compaq (remember those! haha man I am old), Toshiba, Vaio, Dell, HP, and not a single one of those lasted me more than 2 yrs. This Macbook though, has made it for so long that I don't think I could ever go back to PC. Although the new Windows tablets do look much more intriguing (and budget friendly) than the iPad of even a Macbook.

Anyway, enough about that, let me give you a quick garden update!

Remember this?! This is my blackberry plant! It used to be just a wooden stick growing out of a pot (that stick broke btw) and now look at it! It is almost as tall as I am! Which brings me to a quick question, how tall are these supposed to get? And how long until I get some blackberries over here!

In my last post I talked about how I was growing these frankenpeppers and how I was praying that they were sweet peppers given I already had too many hot peppers growing thanks to Merrifield's crappy labeling system... well... they are not. And I found out the hard way. These things are freaking hot. I could not feel my lips or my tongue for a good half hour. Anyone want a shipment of super hot peppers? I am guessing these are anaheims? FML

And this right here.. well.. on the far right is my container lemon tree. Totally worth the investment! I have a good 6 lemons growing and the plant is still blooming. Bring it on lemon tree! Right next to that is my Patio tomato plant. That plant is worth every penny, I have had so many tomatoes come from that, despite the fact that it is still battling some disease from earlier this summer, it has held up pretty well. And right next to that.. guess what that freakishly huge plant is.. It is a pepper plant! Isn't that ridunkulous? That plant is taller than my blackberry plant. And it is dropping a motherload of peppers. It is supposed to be a Giant Marconia pepper plant.. we will see if that's what it really ends up being or not.

You may have noticed these giant bamboo sticks coming out of some of my pots. I got these sticks at Home Depot to help support my plants, including my tomatoes. The cages are too cumbersome for a balcony garden so I opted for these sticks. I got a pack of 6 for $2. Crazy cheap considering one plastic stick costs you a little over $2. I just used some twine to tie the plants to the bamboo and voila! It made a huge difference and I will probably buy more as the plants continue to grow. Thanks for selling such a great deal Home Depot! Speaking of great deals, they are currently having some of their flowers on sale! I bought some new mums to replace my older ones that were badly injured during the disease and aphids infestation from earlier this summer. 

I got some new recipes and projects to blog about so hopefully this laptop makes it long enough so I can add some new posts more regularly! Otherwise, can I get an early christmas present? hahaha

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