Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Weekend and a Cookbook

This past weekend my boyfriend went out of town for his high school reunion (we are getting so old!) and i didn't know what i would do with a whole weekend to myself (don't judge me, i'm usually very independent haha). So with all of this free time i took on various project. I de-cluttered my den, cleaned out my closet, repainted my coffee table, tried out a new recipe and did some gardening. This was my ideal weekend. Except that by the end of it i felt like i was 37 rather than 27 haha, what is going on!!? My life has gone from late nights out on the town to late nights in organizing and cooking. It's a sign.

And I don't know if it's a good one yet..

Although this blog is pretty new and simple, i've enjoyed reading other people's blogs for a few years now. One of my favorite blogs is La Tartine Gourmande, a very cute, homey blog by a very talented French woman named Beatrice and her adorable little daughter (and taste tester) Lulu. Her blog is not only beautiful but very popular, and she recently published her very first cookbook. I have loved her blog for so long that the minute that book was for sale I was on Amazon buying it. I don't regret my purchase one bit, and here's why:

Her recipes are healthy and delicious.  And she adds personal stories of her life and growing up in France to tie each recipe with a memory. It is a little bit of everything in the most beautiful cookbook i have ever seen. The pictures are absolutely breathtaking, really.

Most of all, i love this cookbook because it has exposed me to using ingredients i have never heard of (cardamom pods anyone?!) and thus, new recipes i could have never imagined. I've found it to be easy to read and use, and although some of the ingredients are unknown to me, a quick google search quickly explains what they are (and sometimes offer their substitute). This book has been a great tool in helping me expand not just my palette, but also my cooking skills. I am sure my boyfriend is happy to be eating meals such as spicy spaghetti and tartlets instead of my oven burnt breaded fish and twix ice cream bars, haha.

This past weekend i tried out the spicy spaghetti recipe and i've been eating it for lunch and dinner for the last 3 days. Sad to say (sort of), today was my last day. This is one of the best pasta dishes i have tried from a cookbook, hands down. And so i promise to post the delicious recipe with pictures of my dish soon.. right now i have a very active kitty cat keeping me from writing this blog.

And there goes the paper towel roll.. ugh.

to be continued..


  1. Hi!
    just found your cute blog!
    love it so far. would you like to knw mine as well? do you have GCF list? I'd like to follow your blog!
    I wish you lots of success and will surely come back

  2. Hi Aida!

    Thanks so much! I added a subscription button on the right hand side so you can subscribe! =) I'll be sure to check out your blog too!

